This ultimately failed because multus for microk8s was disabled for ARM64 targets. I will watch this issue and try again this PR has been accepted.
Will try with k3sup as that has flannel-cni installed by default and people recomend that as a good starting place.
Step by step instructions
change the password in each pi board
ssh ubuntu@
ssh ubuntu@
ssh ubuntu@
ssh ubuntu@
Add nodes in dev machines /etc/hosts
sudo vim /etc/hosts
Paste the following snippet master01 master01.microk8s worker01 worker01.microk8s worker02 worker02.microk8s worker03 worker03.microk8s
install ansible on control machine
apt install ansible
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
Paste the following snippet
master01 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=master01 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/macneib/.ssh/id_ed25519 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
#master02 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=master02
#master03 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=master03
worker01 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker01 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/macneib/.ssh/id_ed25519 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
worker02 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker02 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/macneib/.ssh/id_ed25519 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
worker03 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker03 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/macneib/.ssh/id_ed25519 ansible_ssh_user=ubuntu
#worker04 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker04
#worker05 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker05
#worker06 ansible_connection=ssh var_hostname=worker06
Generate an ssh key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Copy ssh key over to remote machines
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ubuntu@
Check if Ansible is working fine and can connect to all nodes
ansible microk8s -m ping
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "hostnamectl set-hostname {{ var_hostname }}"
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "hostnamectl status | grep hostname"
Update the OS
ansible microk8s -m apt -a "upgrade=yes update_cache=yes" --become
Enable c-groups so the kubelet will work out of the box
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "sed -i '$ s/$/ cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 swapaccount=1/' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt"
Quick restart to get all the machines updated
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "shutdown -r now"
Install the MicroK8s snap and components
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "sudo snap install microk8s --classic"
ansible microk8s -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s.enable dns storage"
sudo reboot now
Wait 1 minute then check status of masters
ansible masters -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s.kubectl get nodes"
Add workers to master
ansible masters -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s.add-node"
ansible worker01 -b -m shell -a "microk8s join<token>"
ansible masters -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s.add-node"
ansible worker02 -b -m shell -a "microk8s join<token>"
ansible masters -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s.add-node"
ansible worker03 -b -m shell -a "microk8s join<token>"
ansible masters -b -m shell -a "sudo microk8s enable multus"
[WARNING]: Consider using 'become', 'become_method', and 'become_user' rather than running sudo
master01 | FAILED | rc=1 >>
Nothing to do for `multus`.non-zero return code
And this is the point where I realized that multus is not enabled on microk8s